So this is how it feels

by marlee   Jan 28, 2005

So this is how it feels to be alone
To wait for my phone to ring but to remember we broke up. this feeling is sad the worst feeling anyone has ever have. Valentines day is coming up your asking her to the dance
But I'll be alone no one to hold my hand.
So this feeling is deep like a wound or a cut deep in my heart
it hit me like a knife or dart.
No I don't want you back cuz your a jerk I just want someone to love me because the pain from you, it still hurts. You where mean you where not nice your comments where cold, cold as ice. I just want someone to love me, someone to hold and someone to give me their sweatshirt when I'm cold.


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  • 20 years ago

    by Megan

    This doesn't make much sense to me. All the words are jumbled and it isn't organized. Needs help.