by Jenn   Jan 28, 2005

When I was 8 you broke up our family
You packed your bags and moved away
You promised to come see us and call us every night
But you lied…..You were never a father!!

At first you called, and even came to see us
But as the years went by you disappeared
I tried to call, I tried to come and see you…
But work was always first

I cried myself to sleep every night
I asked myself what I did wrong…
What did I do wrong?
NOTHING! It was all you!!

You told me that you wished you could be there for me more
And spend more time with me…
That was all a lie… were never a father!

I can't believe I cried over you for so long
It was all a waste of time!
Now 11 years later I realize that I can do better
I stopped my crying
I stopped my wondering
I stopped wishing for a father that would never be

I hate you….and it's your lose!


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  • 19 years ago

    by Ana Vidovic

    Wow this is soo sad!! I think you might really enjoy my poem called "look her in the eye" about a similar topic:) Wish you all the best,


  • 20 years ago

    by Cryptic Misery

    I love your poem, great job :) I'm so sorry your father left your family, I can relate (mine left when I was 7).

  • 20 years ago

    by Taylor

    great poem! i love it! i can relate only my dad is still here but he's not a true father with the things he does. . . keep it up!

    Love, Taylor

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