Talk one last time

by hannah morgan   Jan 28, 2005

I have so many unanswered questions,
now its to late to ask,
questions that run through my mind constantly,
why you?
what went wrong?
why didn't you talk to me?
why did you do it?
why didn't we say goodbye?
i want answers to these questions,
but now its to late to get them.
and i will never know,
it hurts so much to think of you,
so depressed and confused,
i wish i could talk to you one last time,
just to help me understand.

*R.I.P Aaron, always in my heart and mind, missing you. c u sometime in the future, Love you*


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  • 19 years ago

    by ....

    aww how sad im soo sryy that happend to you.. your poems great... keep up the great work... and thanks for the comment on my poem.. this poem really deserves a 6 but it only goes up to a 5.. lol well anyway great poem..

  • 20 years ago

    by Kalika

    very sad poem, I can relate, for I feel like asking similar questions to my friend....btw thank you for commenting on my poem, it means a lot....
