Lost Little Girl

by Shelby G.   Jan 28, 2005

This is the story of a single mother
With her little girl and her older brother
She one day left to fix some shit
So her brother had to babysit

The little girl knew what was coming her way
She was about to leave when he did say
"Come little girl, and play with me
There are some things i need to see"
She wouldn't dare to disobey him
She knew it was a fight she couldn't win
"take of your clothes and stand real still"
Said the brother as he popped a pill
She did what he said, and her eyes were closed
He took the picture wile she posed

Next he said "A game we haven't played"
As he pulled out a shiny new blade
The little girl was scared, and tried to run
But he just grabbed her arm and said" Thats no fun"
It was then he just remembered
He was to have the girl dismembered

The mother came home and and someone tried to call
It was then she saw blood on the wall
She answered her phone and her brother said
"Its a shame to hear your daughters dead"
She dropped to her knees and started to cry
It was then she wanted to die

Sickos are scary, so please be aware
Taking these lives just isn't fair
Now think of this mom's agony and pain
and a person she trusted is who to blame
Saddly I say, This stuff is not fake
So pleas be careful for heaven's sake!


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  • 20 years ago

    by AngelOfFear

    wooooooooooooo i like it. **takes notes**

  • 20 years ago

    by Robyn Park

    Sorry, that was me being speechless. An excellent write, and as Conner said, a touchy subject. An excellent poem. It's very sad, but so well written. Loved it. Kudos.

  • 20 years ago

    by Robyn Park

  • i loved this poem and all the others i have read of yours i am 14 too i write a lot just haven't found the time to some of the rest of my poems on here and thanks for your compliment on Nothing as it Seems that was mine as you might have guessed

  • 20 years ago

    by Conner

    That's a very touchy and scary subject but to think that there are actually people out there that do that just makes you want to have justice prevail. Well written and said. Take care!

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