Not all Friends are True Friends

by Maria   Jan 29, 2005

Some people say all friends are always there 4 u,
Or all friends are true friends.
But how do u know your friends aren't talking crap about u behind your back.
U see not all friends are true friends.
U might think they are, but not all the time.
See I have some True Friends,
I'll name a few,
Micheal, Matt, Lupe, Roberta, Priscilla, Beatriz, Danielle, and Cynthia are some.
Only true friends care and take care of each other.
But remember not all friends u think are your friends, are.
Some are just Back Stabbers.
So when u are with your friends think to yourself
"Are they really your friends,"
And if not,
"Who Is?"


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  • 20 years ago

    by Leanne

    Im glad you wrote that!Because I know EXACTLY where your coming from. People you so call "friends" talk crap all the time and you never know it until a certain time....I LIKED IT!I AGREE..."ASK YOUR SELF IF THERE REALLY TRUE FRIENDS"