Comments : Who really knows?

  • 20 years ago

    by J Avery Johnson

    Thanx 4 u'r comment. U'r work is nice, and in accordance with this piece of work... pls read my poem "If Love Wasn't Love". Again, Thank You and stay strong.

  • 19 years ago

    by Marija

    I love this poem.for a minute there i actually thought i was in love (a nd u should know who i mtalkin about) cause i liked him soo much and thought about him 24/7 but im startin tothink that maybe it could be just lust for that person...even though i do still care about him deeply and think about him a lot im really not sure what it is but who ever is 100% sure of anything?....but in my opinion( or in certain cases) love is mutual and not when one person cares more about the other and the other can frankly not give a da* if they ever talk to u again and can just ignore ur a*s like u aint sh* to them and make u feel like sh*it ..Man. guys can be such as*ho*les and not even realize it...o and i love it how we havent talkin in 4 months and ive made attempts to and everyone i made i got played for either somebody else or just cause he thought it was cute..cute my a*s!...Guys dotn knwo how muc h they really hurt somebody how much they have an inpact on someones self-esteem....Yeah but i really wish he would atleast try to get some kind of communication wiht me but he hasnt tryed once and that makes me think that he doesnt really care about me even on a friendship level and maybe im not gonna try to talk to him anymore though cause its really just a waste of my breath cause nothin changes....but maybe i didnt try hard enough or maybe it just wasnt ment for us to be lovers or friends....but anyways..sorry that u had to hear me bi*ch.once i start i never stop......o and thanx for the comment!..i appreciate it! ya!...