ONe mOre cHancE

by kyla   Jan 30, 2005

Baby we need another chance
you left me in a trance.

just want another chance with you
hopefully this time we can be true.

we say we're just friends and i say thats fine
but now baby, i think that its time

to tell you how i really feel
i want us to have another chance, n i want it to be real.

i miss you, need you, want you in my life
when i think of you i think of that night
and how i haven't since felt right.

hunni, I'm not the one who screwed up
so that makes this really tough

for me to say
but i cant help thinking about you every day.

we were torn apart by her
and for a while i was unsure

but now Ive got it all straightened out
and realized that no longer can i live without

you in my life so just break my trance
and give us another chance.

OK this is about my ex boyfriend that i was with for an extremely short amount of time and he sorta broke up with me for some other girl but he never really broke up with me. for some reason, hes all Ive been able to think about...this all happened last July. i want him back and Ive told him but he doesn't take it seriously...i don't know why i want him back so bad but theres something about him...


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  • 20 years ago

    by kyla

    yeea...he wont...theyre stupid!! i finally accepted 1 week ago today that i cant keep lettin him hurt me anymore...but i DO still love him...doesnt that blow?=P

  • 20 years ago

    by Kristal Sowiecki

    i liked this poem cuz its kinda what i was goin throught wit my boyfriend recently and i can relate. hopefully the guy sees what he's missin!
