I Am Always There

by Heather M Craig   Jan 30, 2005

I’m the care giver,
always there to lend my hand,
providing your soul at ease
just so someone will understand.

The one friend by your side
to spread among my faith and love,
the one who listens to your dreams
and tells you not to give up.

I know you’re secrets
and I know all that you hide,
I listen endlessly to all of you
and it stirs me deep inside.

I place you in my heart
and speak strong prayers for you,
I keep in waiting
that I bless all your dreams come true.

I encourage my best friends,
I guide them along better paths,
I dry their tears with words of wisdom
and ease by with a beautiful laugh.

I watch the ones I carry love for
fall in love with someone else,
I gracefully give my advice of truth
and keep emotions in myself.

I watch my family get torn apart
and I hide all that I am to keep them strong,
locked in room, tears fall
because I’m forever so alone.

All that I provide I lack to have
because wishes don’t come true,
I don’t pray for myself anymore
as long as I can help each of you.

I make you think and stick by in tough times,
but when it’s my turn, you run....
I am left to catch my own tears & relive my heart
and yet you betray me after all I done.

**Heather Michelle Craig**

--had no clue what to post it under and i know the endings weak but it only took me about 10 min to get it all down and off my chest--


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  • 19 years ago


    This is a very strong poem. I've definitely been there before. I didn't think the ending was weak, the last stanza tied the whole thing together! Superbly written~Holly

  • 19 years ago

    by Bizarre

    that is really really really good!

  • 19 years ago

    by ChildofGod87

    :)Well Done Heather! ... Wonderful Work As Always!... Keep em coming=D


  • 19 years ago

    by Kiersten Nicole

    i love it. beautifully written. I can really relate.. its like, you will help anyone, but no one can help you..once again, great job

  • 19 years ago

    by 1

    Beautifully writen. i really like it.. I give it a *5/5*
    Great job...Keep it up!!