I wish I could

by Elise   Jan 30, 2005

I wish I could fly
Over the sea and the ocean.
Or in the the beautiful sky
To finally reach heaven.

I wish I could run
The mountains and the plains
Maybe reach the sun
And forget all the pains.

I wish I could smile
All day long
And forget for a while
Everything that is wrong.

I wish I could erase the tears
Everyone has shed
Erase all the fears
People have in their head.

I wish I could stop the “whys”
I wish I could stop the tears
People have in their eyes
For so many years.

I wish I could stop crying
I wish I could see you
But that’s another thing
I’m not able to do.

***This just came out of my mind...thanx for reading anyway !!!***


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  • 20 years ago

    by lzeeker57

    your poems are really good and you just keep writing!

  • 20 years ago

    by Missjayne28

    I like your poems too.
    your really good at them and thank you for puting me in your favs. no one would ever do that with my stuff. anyway keep writing too.
    from jayne

  • 20 years ago

    by Heather M Craig

    wow, i really love this...I feel the same way you do...i tend to help a lot of teens with problems and i finding myself praying for the strength to do this...Amazing poem *5

    God bless
    Love Heather.

  • 20 years ago

    by Amit

    this is a great poem! i am giving u 5! u write very well. keep them coming :)

  • 20 years ago

    by Sinister Soire

    its great. and the last line.. lucky guy to have you want him soo much. i know what its like wanting someone you can have.. it sucks. goood poem, keep it up. the ones from the heart are the best