Mama\'s little child

by clevername   Jan 31, 2005

Sweet little flower you are
Your mamas perfect child
You’re that one excited to answer the next question
Sweet little bug you are
Your mama’s biggest trouble
You that one annoying all the children
Sweet little devil you are
You on mamas list
You’re the one talking to yourself n the back of the room
Sweet little child you are
Lying in the corner of your bed
Screaming out a nightmare
Killing in your sleep
You’re the little flower
You’re that little bug
You the little devil everyone thought they could hug
And you a little fake
Your mind insane
You brain not right
And you’re afraid of your reflection
That it might come out and bight
Run away deafening noise
As you shatter all the glass
Keep running little B*t*c*h
Keep telling me your theories, don’t you dare
Right now shout
“I swear!”
Because I’m crying
I’m screaming
AS you shout through my ear
Run, break the glass
Leave and not ask
You gone
You’re late
Me too
Good bye

...please comment and vote~
(this one wasnt one of my best read the others there better~


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  • 19 years ago

    by Allissa

    i ummm im love u.....i dont kno u....but plzzz email me back u are my everything