Quickened Pace

by Lauren   Jan 31, 2005

Alone inside my shadows,
with fear of quickened pace,
my bloody tears are falling,
seeping from a broken face.

Slowly I lose control,
the blade becomes my possession,
thoughts are lost as it becomes,
a silent destructive obsession.

Farther and faster its lifted,
until its lining becomes my skin,
I push away my sickly thoughts,
to shove it deep within.

Reality hits me hard,
the blade slips deep inside,
wrinkles form on my skin,
blood flows in a crimson tide.

Guilty pleasure fills me,
Drowning in an ocean of blood,
Unconsciousness overtakes me,
I've fallen in a slip of mud.

I lay here in my corner,
with blood spilling from my wrist,
looking for eternal darkness,
knowing I won't be missed.

And here I die alone,
bloody tears sliding down my face,
my soul contained in darkness,
No more fear of quickened pace.

[Please comment or rate! Thanks!]


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  • 19 years ago

    by Jessica

    5 stars! ***** Thnx 4 commenting on my work 2!

  • 19 years ago

    by Timothy

    dark, desolate and descriptive of a place ive brought myself to, meaning i easily and unwillingly relate. incredible sense of imagery, the picture perfect words determine the progression through it, the timeline expressed is an awesome splendor of magnificance, never quite seen ANYTHING much like the portrayel of depression found in this poetic piece of literary magic. congratulations on a job well done.
    really really good, which is a total understatement

  • 19 years ago

    by Andrea

    very deep...i love it!

  • 19 years ago

    by Andriana

    Wow. I love this poem. I could never write like you! You know how to make a poem flow nicely.
    Thanks for the comment! 5/5


  • 20 years ago

    by Idiosyncratic

    awesome poem!! i love the second and fourth stanzas especially, great word choice & 5/5