Broken Fairytale

by yinyang22334455   Jan 31, 2005

My hopes have been shattered
my heart broke in 2
I can't believe this is happening
It's all because of you

I thought we were going somewhere
I thought we where tight
but then hate's hand struck
with all of its might

It started with words
then got a little farther
you began to hit me
each time, a little harder

We used to be in a fairytale
We used to dance all night
but then all the harsh words came
and we would always fight

I used to be your princess
and you were my frog prince
why did you have to ruin it?
when I look at you I wince

I want my fairytale life back
I want my hopes, my dreams
but nothing will ever come true for me
at least, thats how it seems

I see you in the hallways
you never catch my eye
I just feel like crying
without you, I think I might die.


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  • 20 years ago

    by Victoria

    Good poem the flow is great a nice read!!

    take care

  • 20 years ago

    by HJ


    Fantastic poem, I really like your style the way you express yourself with so much honest emotion. Great flow from start to end.

    Check out my new poem, "My Monster" Although I dont think many people liked it, it got a really low rating, I thought it was cool...Let me know what you made of it.

    Take care, look forward to reading more from you
    Hayley x