Comments : One last cut

  • 20 years ago

    by strawberrykiwi

    really good : ) i can relate somewut..i like ur attitude...if people hurt u..screw them

  • 20 years ago

    by Knoxy

    Hey, this is really good...and i can relate to it...but dont do it hun...therez ppl out there who need u...and exactly..screw those ppl who called u names...u deserve a whole lot more than that...keep on writing, and take care...u got lotz of talent!!
    ~Luv Alwayz Knoxy

  • 20 years ago

    by Autumn

    wow, your great, i couldnt find anyone who could relate to me like you can. Cuts on my wrist never amount to the pain i have inside, and all the cuts for poeple who never cared. Thanks for writing this.

  • 20 years ago

    by Cherry

    I understand how you feel but Theres no need to cause pain to yourself. My mother was in your shoes not to long ago. She slit her wrists, hung herself 3 times and tried to gas herself in a car. If she would have died my life would have been over to. You have alot of things in your life that make you feel good, you just have to find them. I mean your really good at writting poems so roll with it.