All I want Is You

by Libby M   Jan 31, 2005

All I want Is YOU

I head him whisper softly
He didn’t know I was awake
He stroke my hair few times-
And removed what seemed to
Cover my face.

I heard him whisper gently
As He breathed closely
With me-I heard the Silence
That quietly resided
After He spoke his heart
To me.

I heard him whisper with
A release of million sighs-
With eyes remaining Closed
I wondered-if what He had Just
Said, had Caused him any pain?

Never would I know the truth
For he hides it well-
One truth though will always be
And it’s found in all the words
He chooses to use when speaking to me.

I heard Him whisper, Yet,
His words failed to reach-ME.
For I am but a picture-Framed.
I am but a picture he holds
Closely to his heart every night-
And words of love he never fails
To miss one day to say to me.

And so I heard him
On that faithful day
When He returned
Home after his long journey.
“All I want is you,”
He whispered ever So
But-a picture is all that I am;
A soul living no where but-
In a dream...Whispering
In Hopes He to one Day
Hear Me.

Libby M.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Amanda Bee

    Outstanding:) Great work.

  • 20 years ago

    by Dorotea©

    Wow, i'm basically speechless. That was so beautiful. You are so totally a great poet and this was such a beautiful poem i don't know what to say, except that it deserves a 5!!!

  • 20 years ago

    by Ann Stareyes

    A great poem. Wouldn't it be nice if all our wishes and dreams could come true. Enjoyed. lol