
by Sarah   Jan 31, 2005

§ About A Girl We All Once Knew §

Anabelle, so filled with pain
Was a girl that saw nothing in life to gain
Lost her heart amid the dusty roads of Hope
A little place, were she lost all hope

She only spoke from time to time
She talked about her sorrows, all the nothings in life
It didn't seem like she had much on her side
But she only saw the ocean without its tide

The sun didn't give her light
The moon failed to gain her sight
No natural beauties existed in her world
Everything was dark, lost, or sold

Her waterfalls were barren
Her gardens dead and frozen
Her rivers ran dry
No water flowed, not even from her eyes

Anabelle knew there was more for her to see
She open her door to destiny
She knew her fields would not be so empty
Those flowers blooming would show her their beauty

She went to knock on heavens door
See if God would help her for she was not wanted anymore
If He would take her in from the cold
Save her from the lost dreams of her world

Hope was that little town
Anabelle was that young girl, who was never found
It's been two years since she left her dusty home
But she finally knows how it feels to be happy and not alone

She's the only angel that looks over Hope now
She met her destiny, and it made her happy somehow
Some of us don't get the best from life until its gone
Then our hearts are filled with the truth we looked for all along

Pray for that little girl up in heaven
For she's happy now in Eden
There was nothing she left behind
In that little town, that empty land...



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  • 19 years ago

    by Bleeding_Red_Fallen_Angel

    Wow, that was such a great write! I truely truely loved this poem. Great job hun. >3jess

  • 20 years ago

    by Sarah

    I'm glad you all liked it. This isn't a real girl, but rather what I imagine that Anabelle to be. Thanx for all the great comments!!

    §The Only Rose In This Desert§

  • 20 years ago

    by Sarah

    I'm glad you all liked it. This isn't a real girl, but rather what I imagine that Anabelle to be. Thanx for all the great comments!!

    §The Only Rose In This Desert§

  • 20 years ago

    by pinkalias

    I love how you wrote this, absolutly beautiful.
    The hidden meaning and defined art written behind every symbol was thought twords a worthy and heart felt rememberance while creating an emotional yet lovely atmosphere.
    I absolutly love your imageries and the way you portrayed the, I could even relate to a few,
    "No water flowed, not even from her eyes"
    I can definetly relate to that. My favorite lines however were,
    "Anabelle knew there was more for her to see
    She open her door to destiny"
    "Hope was that little town
    Anabelle was that young girl, who was never found"
    First off those were absolutly beatiful. Second, I love the comparisons and relations you made with those symbols to towns, roads, and doors. It really created a realm of understanding and beauty.
    Excellent job

  • 20 years ago

    by FTS Miles

    That was extremely touching. And I particularly thought these stanzas were beautiful and uniquely worded:

    The sun didn't give her light
    The moon failed to gain her sight
    No natural beauties existed in her world
    Everything was dark, lost, or sold

    Her waterfalls were barren
    Her gardens dead and frozen
    Her rivers ran dry
    No water flowed, not even from her eyes

    Very nice!