How would you feel?

by Heather S.   Feb 1, 2005

How would you feel if someone took all your dreams and hopes and throw them out. How would you feel if you were broken and made to feel worthless. How would you feel if every night you set at the edge of your bed and thought about how much easier your life would be if the person that is hurting you or if your self were died. Chances are if you answer yes to any of these questions you fell like i do. You may feel useless and like if you die no one would notice. Well i am here to tell you someone would notice. Even if they don't tell you how much they care, they do.


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  • 20 years ago

    by Knoxy

    Hey, this is really good...made me think...thanx hun....keep it up and take care...i gave it a 5!
    ~Luv Alwayz Knoxy