Thank you!

by Emma   Feb 2, 2005

I would like to thank everyone
That chose to visit this site
For voting and commenting on my poems
For making me want to fight

This poem is just a thank you
To each and every one
You have all been important to me
So this thank you must be done

So thank you all for taking the time
To read, and write and vote
To see a gain in the awards
Seems to make me gloat

But this is only happiness
That my poems are approved
So thanking all of you is important
You have made me all feel true

~*Thank You*~


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  • 20 years ago

    by Emma

    Thank you again for all your comments and votes. Love Emma xxx

  • 20 years ago

    by «-Pale-Petals-»

    i feel the same, its cool u decided to write a poem like this