I need to sleep tonight
Got a big day to face tomorrow
Back to school
Back to all the pain I know so well
Back to the friends who put me through hell
Not all of them
Some are my angels, My life
The school term always brings more problems
More pain and hurt
Maybe it's the pressure
Or just the fact there is back stabbing
B i t c h i n g and deceit
Maybe it's a loss of sleep
Or not seeing the people I care about most
Whatever it is I'm scared
I don't want things to go back to the way they were
I've come so far
Stopped the slashing of my wrists
Well held back at least
You'd all be proud if you knew the truth
The one thing I need, My sleep
But I'm not tired
I don't want to close my eyes
Don't want to say good night
I stare at my wrists
I inspect the destruction from the night before
I was so depressed
I felt so alone
Yet tonight I feel the opposite
How can things change so much
Hmmm, school tomorrow
How will I feel then?