Just to make you laugh

by clevername   Feb 3, 2005

Ive been making up stupid jokes
just to hide this pain
and Ive been hiding in a corner
when you ask why i say its just a little game
but really I'm shaking there
screaming in my head
wishing i was alone
tucked inside a bed
dream away i do
praying that just one dream might come true
but these dreams are only there at night
for in the day I'm screaming with so much fright
run so far and so wide
with Satan as my guide
for i am just a lonely girl
all alone without a care in the world
Just listen to my very last breath
for my care is just in death

Please vote and comment! i really wanna no your opinion!!!!


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  • 18 years ago

    by Timothy B

    Nomahter how dark the road, or how empty the fields. There will always be someone there, who can guide you back, to the real world.

  • 19 years ago

    by clevername

    wait heather im onli 3 years younger than u im not that young! open ur mind a little bit and stop judging please i dont no y it bothered me that you sed that im sorry but it did im usually not that touch ybut now i am

  • 19 years ago

    by clevername

    i dont think age shold make a difference but thats ur opinion i no u think i am nieve but thats ok wut ever thanx for reading some of my stuff

  • 19 years ago

    by Heather M Craig

    thanks for the comment, u actually write very well esp for your age!! keep it up!!

    Love Heather.