Her Land

by Carrie   Feb 3, 2005

The moon shines
On her haunted land
Her ghost Her Spirit
Awakened in the shadows
Her long hair
Conditioned by blood
Invisible to all
Until they know her pain
Memories drowning her
Silently in the darkness
Her strength weakened
By the pain of yesterday
An eerie wind blows
Silent to that night
Her unanswered questions
Listened to; By her deafened ears
Her blood shot eyes
Seeing only darkness
Walking through her sorrow
Fading into nothing
To be nothing
In her world
She wishes shed never found


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  • 20 years ago

    by no1important

    Hey i gonna get off this site just because of my mom. My poems will still be up they will be on another poets name. Her user name is -Kristy-. Well thats it see ya.

  • 20 years ago

    by no1important

    Hey really great poem u got here. I like they way it described things. Oh also i tried to txt u and my phone said message sent but i don't know if u recieved it. Also i found the plus thingy

    Love skinner

  • 20 years ago

    by Andrea

    wow! amazing poem, i love it!