Human Life Or Diamonds

by Robert   Feb 3, 2005

More prized then life or gold,
To fetch this gem everything is to be sold.
A child of poverty will give his family food to survive,
But only the strongest will come out of the darkness alive.
Overlords that whip the labor to go deeper into the Earth’s crust,
For a vision of clutter becomes their only lust.
Boys with no will but to dig another day,
Will be greed’s only prey.
They will work until they cannot move a pick or shovel rock,
All for the jewelers to have plenty of diamonds to stock..
So think about it the next time you give that woman the rock she craves,
What was the little boy or girls name you sent to their graves.
Do you really want to know or do you even really care,
Some how the cost of that rock is not too fair.
It was not your child that fell on the whip or died in the dark,
Because that all you care about is making your mate as happy as a lark.
Is it cold of me to tell you the truth at a 300 % mark up for them to get rich,
While children you don’t know miles away die in an unmarked ditch.!!!

Written By
Robert Lee Niswander
Copyright 2005


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  • 16 years ago

    by Courageous Dreamer

    Great great message. I loved this poem, it was sad.. of course. But well written all together. Quick read, thanks to the amazing rhyme that you have in your poems! Good job. 5/5.

  • 17 years ago

    by Choose xX Alex Xx Life

    EXELLENT topic to write a poem on really stood out as one of my favourites xxx alex xxx

  • 19 years ago

    by Frankie

    And that is the reason I wear a simple weddingband to comemorate mine and my husbands joining.

  • 19 years ago

    by Misstress

    Nice Idea...
    Honestly liked it...

  • 19 years ago

    by Lecrissa

    Very disturbing, Agreat poem. I can say I'm glad I olny own one dimand Since its man made its not worth much.