Somebody Is Saving You

by ♥-Sharon Ardern-♥   Feb 3, 2005

A little girls sits
Staring at a star
She reaches up
But it's just too far

She takes back
Her tiny hand
Knowing she can't
Achieve what’s planned

She cries as she
Remembers she's forgotten
Cries as she realizes
This is rock bottom

And she lies there just
Staring at this black sky
Wanting answers, reasons
Needing to know why

Her dreams were
Snatched under her nose
This sad road was not
The one she chose

And now she has
Lost all she believed
Her world is dead
And she has grieved

But now she can't
Cry anymore
She doesn't know what
Is left to live for

Her mom was her angel,
Buried six years ago
And time drags by
Ever so slow

And tonight
She's tired
No longer strong
No longer inspired

She stand on the edge
Of the cliff
Suddenly her body
Goes stiff

She can't jump
Her legs refuse the motion
She stares down
Mournfully at the ocean

Wishing she was
Drowning there
Away from the world
Dead, without a care

She can't jump
She walks back
Lies down again
Stares up into black

Staring up there
She screams to the star
'Why, God why, did you
Let this go so far?'

She curls up
Empty and afraid
Angry and miserable
About the suicide never made

That night
As she lies sleeping
There sits an angel
She is weeping

She bends down
Kisses the girl's head
'My baby daughter
I had to make you live instead.'

© Copyright Sharon Ardern 2005

* This poem is a way for me to say that when we aren't able to kill ourselves, there is a reason, perhaps a lost loved one saving us, because they can see all the happiness that awaits us. Even if we can't.


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  • 20 years ago

    by Christina Gomes

    great poem...after reading wat u wrote in the end, i read the poem once more, and i almost cried...cuz right be4 i read this poem i felt rly horrible.....stupid sh*t going on with parentz and all...blah blah blah...and it makes me wonder, must be sum1 who sees the happiness...bcz its crystal clear tht there isn't any...w/e great poem anyway....i loved it, gave you a deserve it =)

  • It's touching, kind of reminds me of myself in a way. Nice choice of words, it's easy to make a mental picture with your work. Keep it up.

  • 20 years ago

    by More

    this poem made my eyes moist. i was feeling a little bit down and wanted to read some poem that match up to what im feeling... then soon after i read your comment in the botton, "when we aren't able to kill ourselves, there is a reason, perhaps a lost loved one saving us, because they can see all the happiness that awaits us. Even if we can't"

    thank you!

  • 20 years ago

    by Ironic Allure

    Perfect. Tears are welling in my eyes :( I love it, very deep.
    ..SPeechless, sorry.
    Take care of yourself,
    All my love,

  • 20 years ago

    by Hurtingsoul

    i liked it brought intrest