Sweet Lovers Crush or Love

by ChildofGod87   Feb 3, 2005

Don't be afraid to
Fall for someone
Cuz who knows if they're
Falling for you too!?!
God knows when you two
Would be together and
With happiness!!!

Sweet crushes fly by
Like there isn't 'No Tomorrow'
Especially when there is
"Love in the Air"

Every time you walk down
The halls just minding
Your own business and then
You see couple holding hands,
Holding each other while walking,
Giving sweet secret kisses
on the lips or cheek
Thinking that 'No One' can see!!!

Always thinking that
You want to have that too!
But other time it just makes
You sick to see it!
(For the most of us)

Our hearts flying
Thinking that our Prince
Will land on earth right about now
But I know he's out there
Looking just to find me!
And one day take me away!

~"Sweet Prince,
Where thou are you?
Show thee my feelings
That craved within my heart
If your there open your arms
And take the time to know that
I'm one of a kind in the world!"~

*Hold with safety by not letting go
Kiss with passionate desire
Stare into eyes with pure beauty
Learn the challenges within each other*

♥Copyright ♥2005 ♪Sedusha♪

**~**Wow, This was the feeling of being open minded and writing from passion of my heart:X Hoped you enjoyed it! Plz comment & rate I'd really appreciate to know if you liked it:D Thank You!**~**


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  • 19 years ago

    by Danielle

    i like how you started it with...dont be afraid to fall for someone becasue they may fall for you! it is tru, it hurts 2 b rejecyed, but taking chances is better bkuz the reward is greater! love the work.!!!

  • wow this is a brilliant poem filled with passion and love its excellent i loved it its a great poem and very creative you are soooooooo talented and thank you for the comments they mean alot! this is an abolute fantastic poem i mean it! it was so sweet and i recently fell inlove lol so i love these poems lol! hehe great work >>5/5<<
    bec xXx