Dad. I'm Sorry

by Kacie   Feb 4, 2005

Will you still love me
Even though I'm gay?
Will you still love me

Will you treat me any different? Do you even give a damn?
Will you accept me for who I am?
I still want to be daddies little girl
I still want to be your whole world

I still want to be
Your pride and joy
I'm so sorry dad
That I can’t like a boy

I don’t want to upset you
I don’t want to make you mad
All I want is for you
To still be my dad

Its not your fault I'm like this
So don’t blame yourself
We both just got to learn how to deal
With the hand we've been dealt

Will you support my lifestyle?
Will you still be my dad?
Is who I am
Really that bad?

Will you be the one to walk me down the aisle?
Will you give me away with a smile?
Will you be there when I have a child?
Or will you just walk away
Because I'm gay?

Is it really a sin
For me to love a girl?
I know I'm not the only one
But sometimes I feel like its me against the whole world

I'm sorry dad maybe mommy is right
Maybe its only a phase
Maybe I can learn to love a boy
Maybe I can change

But I already tried that dad
I really have
I've tried to be with guys
But it just turned out bad

Dad I still want to be your little girl
And I still want to live up to the dreams you have for me
But dad being with a girl
Is the only way I'm ever going to be happy

So dad I'm sorry but this is just the way I am
And I hope you can accept me but if you cant I understand

*this is a poem to my dad that i wrote about a week ago talking about how i still want to be his little girl and do all the things he wants me to do even though i'm gay and basically just asking for acceptance and saying sorry for not being able to live up to expectations he had for his first born daughter...your comments would be greatly appreciated!! and i'll be sure to return the favor!!!*


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  • 19 years ago

    by Lucy

    wow babe that was brilliant! i really enjoyed it! i can see how much you love your dad and how much you want him to accept you as you are. i hope things will work out between you both, im sure they will. there's nothing wrong with being gay. spk soon x

  • 20 years ago

    by jenn

    wow. I really like your work. YOu have a real talent. I hope everything works out for you between u and your dad. Keep writing. You are awesome. 5/5