Comments : Books For Moulding

  • 20 years ago

    by August

    The message, I think, clear. But that's your butter and bread. I don't like the stanza set-up, but I'm an anal jerkoff.

    Welcome me back to the site. Oh, do you remember how we were gonna setup a new poetry website? Now is the time. Do I have your email address? I don't believe I do. But if you email me at, then I can further illuminate you. Good day, sir.

  • 20 years ago

    by August

    Thanks for telling me what those two little buttons mean. However, I do not censor my comments. Anyways, I'm duking it out with Taylor, and Amerimov, well I was sitting right next to him when he wrote it. Check out Amerimov, he has some good stuff.

  • 20 years ago

    by pinkalias

    I'll be honest, I didn't really enjoy this one. I thought it overall a fair read. The message I think was too bluntly stated, and there were hardly enough complex symbols if any at all.
    also, i didn't really appreciate the rhyme scheme. It didn't quite flow, and rhyming you did use seemed too simple and quick paced.
    I especially didn't partake in the line,
    "though I see the "how" I still do not"
    That seemed like a sloppy attempt to rhym with the previous lines, which is something i see in other poets withou much expierience or talent, which is why i didn't expect to see that from you.

    however the read wasn't necessarly bad, i did like the symbol you used in,
    "still I can't escape the knowing
    as a crafter before an old broken pot"
    And i admired the lines,
    "I could reach out and alter them
    make use of such a precious insight"
    overall i rated it a fair read. it seems like something you might have written in a few minutes and not have put much effort into. Look forward to your next piece

  • 19 years ago

    by D..

    I enjoyed this one again, i agree about the last line though...... still you write good meaningful words 5/5

    Whats that Kevin?...a new poetry site..tut tut..not advertising i hope :-)

  • 19 years ago

    by Rachel Moore

    i liked the rythm,not offbeat but it almost seamed like it

    nice job<3

  • 17 years ago

    by MusoXDanielle

    Love this poem... very good!

    Please keep writing.


  • 16 years ago

    by Carrotgirl

    I love a girl called Sheri, and this sort of sums it up. Im like the person in the poem. And Sheri well she is so stubbornly modest, so kind and giving. Despite all her problems she does so much for charity. For me so much evil has been my fate you would think it would enlarge my heart. My empathy doesn't reach me so I feel no guilt in my apathy. You are a wonderful writer Kevin sometimes its more important what a poet writes about at least as much as the skill they hold.