Welcome to my home.

by CaptainTyingKnots   Feb 4, 2005


Welcome to my home
the home of lies and hatred
welcome to my home
the home of the dying the home of the dead

yelling and screaming is what you hear
crying and dying is what you see
threes blood on the floor and walls
and threes prints on the doors and windows
the prints of the dying the blood of the dead

everyone has their own room their "suicide" room
one by one they fall it never stops
no one can stop them they even can't stop themselves
so what’s the point???

"Why scuicde?"People may ask
death of a loved one, broken heart, betrayal,
backstabbed, too much for one person to handle,
abused; sexually, physically, and emotionanally
by a friend, enemy, mom, dad, brother, sister,uncle, aunt, cousin, grandparent, or even a stranger
so there are many reasons, to why they choose to kill themselves
but why must it be?
though everyone has the right to choice
to either live or die
so if you choose to have a good life
i know you'll choose to die
...welcome to my home


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Latest Comments

  • 19 years ago

    by Driver

    hey, excellent poem... nice wording... hope your house aint actually that way.... well, keep up the good writting..

  • 20 years ago

    by Rebecca

    I love this poem! You have alot of talent! Keep up the good work!


  • 20 years ago

    by Jacob Perry

    i love this poem its amazing i can relate the feeling your talking about keep your chin up though its always the darkest just before dawn