Losing It

by xX Toxic Cure Xx   Feb 4, 2005

I cant take this anymore, all the pain
I've almost lost it, become totally insane
With all the hurtful things you've said
That caused millions of times I've bled
All the times you've hit me and I couldn't fight back
For that I'm going to take this knife and hack
I'm going to cut you down to your size
Your lifeless corpse will be my prize
Slashing, cutting, hacking, bleeding
One stab after another keeping me feeding
In and out the knife pumps fast
I want this moment to go on forever, I'll make it last
Cutting through your pretty white skin
I'm in charge this time, I'll finally win
Your eyes look up at me with shock
We look at each other and they lock
I see all the pain your in, I see how scared you are
But this still doesn't make up for what you've done, not by far
The knife goes up again and down into your chest
I tried to put up with you, I did my very best
Your eyes get big, as blood gushes from your many slits
For all the tears and all the fits
Blood running down your torso, down your mouth and cheeks
Running from your body it all leaks
The knife stained red with my happiness
Your bloody wounds I start to caress
Then I raise the knife high again as a smile spreads on my face
I can finally get rid of the pain, all the memories I will erase
I hack it down once again, and your eyes plead with me
You're already dying, cant you see?
With one last look I whisper to you
Look at what you've done, what you made me do
With all the pain inside kept silent for so long
You always knew the way you treated me was wrong
Then I take the knife and slide it across your throat
And watch as you sit there gasping and begin to choke
Your lifeless body stares at me
Looking at me with a final plea
But I don't move, I sit there watching you die
Then I slowly begin to cry
As much as I hated you, you were still part of me
You were my mother, and will always be


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Latest Comments

  • 20 years ago

    by creasy

    wow man!! that was very emotional and very strong!! like cory said, the ending did shock me too!! i can feel all the pain in that!! keep it up!! stay strong!!

  • 20 years ago

    by Mysticaljazlyn

    wow...........thats really all i can say....just wow...its brillant...read some of mine will u?


  • 20 years ago

    by Cory

    excellent, i can see it all happen. the ending shocked me :P great job.