Dear Daddy

by shae r   Feb 4, 2005

Dear daddy where are you
I can’t see you through my tears
I need you to wipe them from my eyes
And comfort all my fears

Who will tuck me in to night
If I don’t find you in time
Who will kiss me softly on my cheek
After reading a nursery rhyme

Mummy says you’re not coming back
And you have moved to heaven lane
I'm not quite sure where that is right now
But trying to find it is a pain

I shall give this letter to Mr. Post man
Just like yesterday
Im not sure why he breaks down and cries
Or why he tells me to pray

I went for a walk today daddy
And handed out posters of you
Some people said good luck with tears
But one nice man told me what to do

He said, “when you get home little girl
Give your mommy a kiss
Take a knife from the kitchen
And slide through you’re wrist”

“It might hurt a bit
But not to worry”, he said
“Cause soon enough little girl
You too will be dead”.

I thought you where in heaven daddy
Not a place a place called dead
I guess it doesn’t matter now
i shall post this letter and do as the nice man said.

I just want you to know daddy
That I love you more than ever
And I will reach you wherever you are daddy
Even if following the light takes forever

With this letter I shall send a kiss
And hope it reaches you
Once I get their daddy
I’ve got heaps planned for us to do


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  • 20 years ago

    by Rima

    Wow, uhh i rly dont no wut to say but that was sad yet awesome. keep up the good work!

  • 20 years ago

    by Tiffany

    WOW. This poem is so sad and yet it's great. Keep writing it's good. Check out some of my poems when ya got the time.