
by krystal   Feb 5, 2005

Tears come and tears go

Tears come when I am around you, you may not see this but I have been by your side for 4 years

Tears will always be there no matter what I hope some day you will make them go away

Tears came to my eyes when I got the call that Amy broke your heart and then Justin asked her out

Tears came to my eyes when I got the phone call and you were upset and told me your grand father died

Tears came to my eyes when you looked at me and said I have to go in the hall I am going to cry

Tears came to my eyes when I knew I couldn't’t look at you and say everything will be ok and I knew deep down I could say it but it cocouldn't make you feel better

Tears came to my eyes when I knew that you would not be the same old Marcello I knew a year ago

Tears come to my eyes when I think about you and being sad and I can’t make it go away

Tears come to my eyes when I know that all I can be is your best friend and be by your side and that I can’t take all of your pain away


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  • 19 years ago

    by Bonnie Fowler

    Hey thanks for commenting on mine. I loved the advice. I ahvent talked to u for a while o aol my new s/n is HoTxBlOnDex13. If u dont have it...lol well me and him ended up breaking up bcuz he had another girl behind my back! But i am hangin in there. Im nto goin to le him ruin my life! :) great poem! loved it :)

  • 19 years ago

    by stephyG

    omg great poem!!! i realli liked it XOxo stephy :)

  • 20 years ago

    by krystal

    thats really sad sorry it happend to you