Shattered Broken, Whats the use?

by David   Feb 5, 2005

Shattered dreams
along with my heart
didn't think I'd make it this far

i don't know what to think
i don't know what to say
feelings bad almost everyday

my dreams are gone
along with my feelings
what am i supposed to do now?

i don't understand
why this hurts so badly
i just want it all to stop

i get hit by my dad
and yelled at by kids
i don't even want to live

i come home to chaos
don't know how to act
don't know what to do

my life is going
as bad as can be
and this poem is about me

i wake up at 6
i take a piss
and don't know what to do

around 6:30
i feel completely dirty
so i wash myself in the tub

its 7 right now
I'm feelings real down
so i go and pick up the knife

i count to 3
and let myself free
with one flick of the wrist

pick up a towel
cover the fowl
of the blood dripping from my arm

I laugh i cry
i wish i could die
then cover the wound with band aids

i pick up my bag
and exit the house
hoping to never come back

i do my school work
i get picked on at school
this kid has no idea what he just started

one day this will end
i will kill all his friends
and use the last bullet on me

but then i wake up
and tell myself
"Wow, what a wonderful dream"

I get on my knees
and pray that it was real
and open my eyes to see

I'm in a soft room
with very soft walls
talking to myself in these poems

i don't know what to say
i don't know what to think
but now, its only me...


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Latest Comments

  • 20 years ago

    by perrin

    wow thats really good-i hope this isn't how u really work. if it is..i'm so sorry but always look on the bright side. :) ur an awesome writer!

  • 20 years ago

    by Knoxy

    Hey, this is really so sorri that ppl are doin this to you, u deserve so much more...and i can relate to a little bit of this...keep ur head up and take care...keep on writing...i gave it a 5!
    ~Luv Alwayz Knoxy

  • 20 years ago

    by 1

    beautifully wriiten! I really liked it!
