That girl

by melissa   Feb 6, 2005

That girl-
have you ever lived a life that wasnt worth living?
have you seen the girl who sobs as it rains so much it floods the city?
have you loved anyone so much youd risk your own life for them?
have you ever judged anyone with out even knowing there name?
have you wondered and worried about a friend eventhough they told you to leave them alone and it was the end?
ive done all but most of all i whis someone would do the same
nobody knows who i am.
no one knows why i cry or why im so shy.
my friends they just dont understand,they dont see wekness but really i need a helping hand
my grades are slipping i try to imporve to make my parents proud but i cant conseded all i hear ends broken and loud.
i try looking out my window into the bright sun but as i try my eyes are blinded by my tears frears and lies.
i could blame it all on grades but then id have more guilty shame.
i want the family arguing to stop
im afraid my oldest brothers smoking pot
slam my door im so pissed off
my lifes not so hot
i just wana be able for my friends to accept who i am and who i wanna be but ill never be free they dont like me for me
my firends problems i try to solve them
miss used words it all suddenly hurts
ill always be the dumbshit the one nobody wants to sit with.
i blew away all the chance of ever being happy and now i feel like dying i feel crappy
i cry all night thinking of the over welming issues but all i can really think of how much i miss him.
It seems my own best friends the ones that said theyd be there for me till the end only want to play pretend.
they act like they feel my pain but its all a game
all of them turn around and talk like all im worth is a worthless piece of dirt on the ground
so relaly i cry cuase no ones "really "there to know why i cry or even care.
thery dont see why i cant live a life i can barley bare.
so thats why im the girl in the story who crys cuase no one sees me or who i truley am inside


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