For You To Succeed

by Eibutsina   Feb 6, 2005

It’s been a while since I’ve seen you last
I was reminiscing back on the past
And how time has passed us by so fast…

I remember back in the seventh grade
How it was cigarettes and lunch we’d trade
How we promised those memories would never fade…

The way you and I would hang out at the mall
And catch each others every single fall
Not a single day went by that you didn’t call…

Our matching tracksuits and glitter make up
Getting drunk to the stage we’d both throw up
The trouble you and I would get into growing up…

That time you tried to run away
That didn’t even last one whole day :o)
The way we’d talk and all the junk we’d say…

What happened to never letting go?
I look at you now and I really don’t know
I never thought you would stoop this low…

Really “NAME” look at the life you live
Is it really one you’re proud and happy with
I just always thought you had so much more to give…

I wanted to help you turn your life around
When you clearly need help back up off the ground
But you’re not listening to me; you don’t hear a sound…

In the end “NAME” the decision is up to you
But it’s not something I can watch you put yourself through
Doing this alone is something you must need to do…

You got to stop the junk girl and get yourself clean
Get over the trials and dramas that you’re caught between
Because you know there is so much more of life to be seen…

Drugs are something you just really don’t need
Look at the diseases it has already got you indeed
All I ever wanted was your friendship and for you to succeed…


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  • 19 years ago

    by Justin

    Aww tht was really good! great poem and thanks for the comment on mine! 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by Maddie

    Great poem! i really like the style, with 3 consecutive rhyming words at the end of each line.. it really made this poem unique. Maybe instead of writing NAME you could just put a fake name in? because it kind of disturbs the flow when you read NAME.. but not a big deal really. very well written, good job!

  • 19 years ago

    by Amanda

    Very good poem. Thanks for commenting on my poem :)

  • 20 years ago

    by Heather Clark

    THis is a really good poem and motivating to those in need of it. *Heather

  • 20 years ago

    by Heathergirl

    Very touching nice job...