Hero Of My Heart

by butterfly ♥ kisses   Feb 6, 2005

Of all the happiness I've ever known
And every desire I've ever felt,
I cherish the moments spent with you
Above everything else.
The world could perish tomorrow
And I could easily say good-bye.
I could let go of everything
Cause I know I've actually lived my life.
I may not have found a cure for cancer
Or the climbed the highest peak,
But I did fight for what I wanted
And did not accept defeat.
I may not have ran the world's fastest mile
Or sailed the ocean blue,
But I did make life long friends
And find true love with you.
You've given me so much
And shared your love with me each day,
You remind me of the virtue in tomorrow
And just how fast life can change.
We've made so many memories
That adorn the walls of my heart.
They make me smile and pull my world together
When I'm almost sure it will fall apart.
So when the angels call my name
And my life on Earth is through,
I will take the angels' hands in mine
And go to Heaven to wait for you.

~plz vote/comment thanks :)


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  • 18 years ago

    by bon

    Nice poem...keep writing
    i look forward to reading your other work.

  • 19 years ago

    by mer

    This is very good... love is def. better than that... and you need it to feel complete. i like it

  • 19 years ago

    by Kys Dirty Little Secret

    I really liked this poem. It had such strong feeling to it. Kudos to all of that. My fav part was "So when the angels call my name And my life on Earth is through, I will take the angels' hands in mine And go to Heaven to wait for you." Wow it had such great emotions to wrap up a really great poem 5/5 luv ya kal

  • 20 years ago

    by *~*Soldier Lover*~*

    kayla you are an AWESOME writer!! plz im me aon AIM sometime to chat....milerchamp

  • 20 years ago

    by Kiersten Nicole

    I have read a few of your poems for the first time today, and so far, they are really, very good. Great Job. I love this one!

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