I miss my friend,
The girl who said she'd be ther 'til then end.
It's not like she's gone away,
Because she's still here; just in a different way.
We're not close anymore,
And we never talk like we used to before.
Lately all we do is fight,
It seems as if we can't ever make anything right.
I try to understand what she goes through,
But there's nothing I can do.
I miss the sleepovers and just hanging out,
And the late-night phone calls I used to get.
We've tried to talk about it before,
But got nowhere.
One always ends up sad,
And the other being mad.
I miss her very much,
But being as close as we used to be seems like a reality that neither of us are able to touch.
we pretend like everything's fine when we're around anyone,
But somehow they always see the truth.
I don't know what to do,
But I know we've got to try.
We don't want our friendship to end,
So we're going to make it work.
Peioke tell us friends drift apart and go their separate ways, And that it's just a part of life.
But not with us,
We've been throught too much to just give up.
Friends fight and sometimes worry if their friendship will last,
But it only makes you stronger.
We're going to be fine; just wait and see,
Ten years down the road, everyone will be looking back, congratulating you and me!