I Did Once Love You

by Lauren   Feb 6, 2005

You said that you loved me,
But I knew it wasn't true.
You thought you played me,
But i played you.
Each day came,
You begged me for forgiveness,
But this time i wasn't gonna forgive you for this whole mess.
Do you know all the pain you were putting me through,
I worried day and night about you.
The things you did,
The things you said,
For all i knew you were wit some other girl in bed.
You lied to everyone close to you,
You made me lie to my parents too.
The positions and places that you put me in,
Always made me worry and made my head spin.
So i think it's fair to say,
I did once love you,
But things change baby,
And I did too.


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  • 18 years ago

    by eternitySOlong

    OMG! I swear this poem was put here just for me to read today. A situation I just got out of is word for word this poem. My whole body just went numb. Thank you so much for posting this! It means the world the know I'm not alone!

  • 19 years ago

    by Mandy

    aww! good for you! lol this poem represents strong women. i wish i could say the same. keep writing!<3

    rate and comment some of mine<3