
by Missy_May   Feb 6, 2005

Hey Uncle Roy...
We haven't talked for a while,
Guess i can no longer just pick up the phone an dial,
I wish I could hear your loving voice,
But leaving my side was your choice,
We still miss you here,
I hope you know, I love you my dear!
You'll always be in my heart,
And even if it breaks apart,
Your spirit's here to pick up the pieces
And to look over all your nieces....
I talked to Walter today...
His voice made me sick,
Enough bout him,
he's just a stupid PRICK!
I'm starting to skip school also,
God I hope I don't get caught,
Oh yeah,
It's Denise's Birthday
I got her a turtle -.-
She's really smelly,
We named her Kelly =P
After your mother,
Cause she's 1 of a kind,
like no other,
Was drunk of my ass last night,
mom didn't try to put up a fight,
Got a few things out of my head,
some i regret,
Oh well,
It's not something I can forget,
I called dad last night...
Another drunken phone call..
We got in a huge fight,
I just sat there talking to him in the hall...
I swear thats the last time I'll drink,
When i Drink it's like i can't think,
I say sh!t I don't mean
Write poems i regret,
I'll have to talk to you later,
I need to get some sleep,
Maybe I'll count sheep =)
1, 2, 3, 4
I love you Uncle Roy!


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  • 20 years ago

    by creasy

    that was good!! i loved it!! keep it up!! :)

  • 20 years ago

    by Missy_May

    Thanks =)

  • 20 years ago

    by Link

    Awsome poem!