Suicide letter

by clevername   Feb 7, 2005

Dear mom,
please don't cry.
i didn't mean to make you sad. please please don't morn me mom.
and tell dad not to either.
please don't let yourselves get divorced over this
thats my biggest worry.
Ive seen you guys fight ever since your son and my brother went to the hospital.
I'm sorry if Ive disappointed you mom.
tell your daughter and my sister that i love her.
and I'm so thankful for how much shes been there for me lately.
tell all my Friends to forget i existed i know how hard death can be on someone my age.
mom I'm sorry this happened.
i just couldn't stand life anymore. it was so material so fake.
but although that is my opinion dint let that bother you i want you to be happy.
don't let anyone see this note. its so depressing.
i don't want anyone to get depressed over me
don't worry about a funeral mom its not needed.
trust me
that just means people are are sad that i died
but you shouldn't be
because i am so happy now
i no it
tell everyone i loved them so much
don't let that grandparents no that i was depressed or that i did this
just tell them that it was an accident
I'm sorry once again that this happened
i just had to get out
and maybe this has released a burden on you
i heard you when you told me to be normal that day after your son left
you said you couldn't handle it again
so i have died so that you won't

mom, dad, brother, sister i love you but i must say goodbye

my fears are now washed away
my tears drown and forgotten
so goodnight sleep well don't morn over me because i am already gone and you are on your way to finally smiling
sleep well

~please commetn and vote~


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  • 19 years ago

    by clevername

    thanx everyone for commenting i wrote this poem first actually as my suicide letter so i didnt mean for it to b poetic at all jsut turned out to be so for advice to other poets jsut write form ur heart and it turns out beautiful

  • 19 years ago

    by SavannahSurrender

    Wow! Awesome!! Your a good writter and when I read your poems I feel your pain and I go through the same thing with my mom and step dad and my mom and dad and such. Well hope things get better!

    much love

  • 20 years ago

    by Broken Hearted Immortal

    really really deep i like it alot

  • 20 years ago

    by Knoxy

    Hey, this is amazing!! i'm sorri that your life is sucky rite now....but plz dont do that...u deserve a lot...and ur sibling and parentz need u!! your a great writer, i can relate to sum of this..and im alwayz here if ya wanna talk...keep it up and take of wishes go out to u..
    ~Luv ALwayz Knoxy

  • 20 years ago

    by Taylor

    great poem! i love it! i can relate! keep it up!

    Love, Taylor