Dear Lord, Take My Angel

by Leah20   Feb 7, 2005

He was standing there alone
And he was really getting scared
His teacher had left him
And his Mommy wasn't there

It was getting too warm
The fire was far too hot
Tears welled up in his eyes
He didn't know how they forgot

His big blue eyes
His curly blonde hair
His beautiful face
Now wailing out in despair

"Mommy please come save me
Daddy don’t let me die
I'm only 4 years old"
The young boy started to cry

Then from behind him
Something came crashing through the door
It was a miracle
An angel sent by the Lord

He stepped right through the fire
All the little boy did was stare
As the boy was scooped into his arms he asked
"Are you an Angel sent by God when he couldn't be there?"

Then, finally breaking his silence
The lone angel spoke
"I am no divine power
I am just an average bloke."

"I am just a firefighter
And I'm here to rescue you
The buildings are collapsing
Because some planes tore them in two"

The little boy just stared and stared
As he watched the firefighter climb down
He never let go of that boy
Until they were both on flat ground

Then a sound like a hurricane
From next to them came crashing down
Taking with it all their bodies
Never to be found

Though their tower was still standing
They knew it was about to meet the same fate
There was no securing it
The warnings had come too late

So from the tower they ran
Until they met with another passer-by
And it was then that the firefighter asked
Him to take the little guy

"But Mr. Angel....
Why can't you stay?
I don't want you to go back in there
I don't want you to go away!"

After contemplating this for a moment
The firefighter exclaimed
"I have to go back in there, son,
More lives need to be saved"

And with that the fireman kissed his cheek
Said "I'll see you son"
Turned toward the towers again
And began to run

He ran back into the building
They watched as he disappeared
Then that familiar, horrific sound
Again filled their ears

They knew that he was inside
There was no way he could have escaped
They knew that he had died a hero’s death
That he had chosen his fate

The little boy understood,
Even at the tender age of four
That his angel had gone back to God
And was knocking at Heaven's door

And so he prayed:

"Dear Lord take this angel
And give him shiny new wings
Make him brand new again
For he has done wondrous things"

"Dear Lord take my angel
He gave his life for me
Dear Lord make his eyes renewed
Allow him, through the darkness, to see"

A tear streamed down his face
As the little boy said "Amen"
And as he bowed his head
A voice whispered "Don't worry, in heaven we'll meet again"


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Latest Comments

  • 19 years ago

    by Tiombe aka Lady

    That was deep

  • 20 years ago

    by AllHailTheHeartbreaker

    Excellent poem! It was so sweet and sad, all at the same time! I really liked the style you used, and how you pointed out at various places in the poem how young the little boy was, yet how much faith he had in God and in the fireman. Great job, keep it up.
    (It deserves a 10, but a *5* will have to do.)

  • 20 years ago

    by ScarletHaze

    omg that was brilliant! u r such a gr8 writer! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • 20 years ago

    by katie!

    Wow, very good, very poweful well done

  • 20 years ago

    by creasy

    WOW! WOW! WOW!! very sad, but that was soo beautifully written!! this poem needs to be a 5! 5! 5! nice choice of words!!..*perfect* keep it up!! :)