by melissa   Feb 7, 2005

I see him in the halls
no one but me sees him fall
he used to have it all

he wears the smile everyone wants to see.
but i know wut he really feels
he dosnt want anyone to know
not even me

walks the mile home after long day at school
he closes the door on all hope sits in the empty room

she broke his heart
said he was too depressed and wasnt right for her
but i wish she wouldnt of broken his heart
this i was sure

hes been a friend for years
but just this year
ive started to see his true tears

when i was but eight years old
he come over all the time
but id be ryans kid sis not worth even a dime.

after 7 long years
i walk to him in the hall
i give him a smile and tell him
im his friend if he ever needs me at all.

we became good friends still i felt i wasnt good enough
he had this girlfriend that treated him like dirt

3 months later she dumped him cause he wasnt that great
but i gave him a smile a friend would and told him it wasnt fate

it turns out i like him and i dont know wut to do cause i like him so much i dont have a clue


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