I LOVE YOU ..............

by rachel crawford   Feb 7, 2005

I want to tell you how much love I have for you
But it is just to
This feeling I have inside I hide from you
So that you will never know
This love I have for you is so hard to show
I just can't tell you because I am afraid you will hate me
especially after all we have been through
I just don't understand why you cant just look into my eyes and see all the love I have for you
I mean yeah I like other guys sure
there is just something about you that sets you apart from all the other guys
Sometimes I just sit in my room wondering if you'll ever know how I feel or even try to understand what is happening
So for now I guess I will just let us become friends again and
just wait
to see what will happen


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  • 20 years ago

    by Billi Vermillion

    well write some more poems ho kk love you bye bye love Billi Jean

  • 20 years ago

    by Billi Vermillion

    hey i know who this is about but yeah hes not worth ur time hun trust me ok i love you tho and im always here lol so yeah love billi jean