Valentines Day

by Unknown2Thyself   Feb 8, 2005

In a class were she thought she was invisible,
she got a valentines day card saying "You Must Be Mine!"
She thought it was sweet and kind,
little did she know the real message underneath.

She kept the card close all through the day,
reading it when ever she became sad.
Mostly all the time,
because of the way they treated her.

She never noticed the card giver,
watching her every move and everytime she'd read the card.
Smiling to himself because he knew he'd been smart,
he'd written a note she'd never really get until he told.

As she walked home he followed,
watching as she placed the card beside her bed.
She sat silently just staring at the card,
and he sat just staring at her.

When night fell she crawled into bed,
and kissed the card good-night.
He waited until she was asleep,
then climbed silently into her room.

He took the knife and slowly slid it across her throat,
making the valentine day color show.
He finally showed her,
the meaning of the message.


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  • 20 years ago

    by stephalee

    wait call me stupid but i dont really get it
    he must be her murder victim oh well it'll come 2 me eventually haha well good poem i really like it
    ~rock on~

  • 20 years ago

    by Sam

    omg, sad. but awesomely written, keep up the good work

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