To be my friend

by Sarah-rae .w.   Feb 8, 2005

A good friend is always kind,
Should always speak their mind,
Their kindness should never end,
That's what it takes to be a good friend.

A good friend is there for you,
They are real, they are awnest and true,
Their kindness should never end,
That's what it takes to be a good friend.

A good friend will be there when you marry,
hearts so full of memories, that they will carry,
Their kindness should never end,
That's what it takes to be a good friend.

They'll be there if your father dies,
They'll weep with you when you cry,
Their kindness should never end,
That's what it takes to be my friend.

If a good friend you do find,
Make sure they treat you kind,
Understanding and compassion they shouldn't lack,
And they would never stab you in the back,
On top of everything always remember,
A best friend is forever.


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  • 20 years ago

    by Sarah-rae .w.

    well thnx alot ..... i really am glad i have some one to relate to me!