Friends and Friendship

by Sarah-rae .w.   Feb 8, 2005

I try to be nice, but you all just laugh.
I'm not fitting in anymore, what can I do?
You don't realize, but it's starting to really hurt.
When every thing's i think going just right, it always turns to dirt.

Help me, what am I doing wrong?
I don't understand, I'm there when your not strong.

I try to be happy most of the time, but it's getting harder now,
knowing you all talk about me from behind,

i don't get it, when you say you care,
and theres so much you wanna share,
that you are my friend,
but i always get hurt in the end,

why do you do these things,
the back stabbing and words sting,
I've always been your friend,
and always stuck up for you in the end,

so why do the things you do,
is it because I'm new,
and you think you can just push me around,
but I'm not taking it anymore so don't make a sound,

for i have something to say,
and that is i put up with your crap every single day,
now its my time to shine,
whether you wish to be or not a friend of mine,

so stop your talking and your hating,
because I'm sick of trying to keep debating,
whether your a friend or just another impostor,
because if i don't do this now its all going to end in disaster.

so stop stabbing me in the back if you truly say your my friend,
show me that you really care and will be at my side in the end,
for friends are suppose to be there for each other,
not fighting all the time like a sister and a brother,

my friends mean a lot to me,
so open your eyes and really see,
I'm not taking your crap anymore,
so theres no use in trying once more,

to push me around and use me like you do,
i will not take,
for I'm just like you, I'm a human being too,
so for my final words i say;

if you believe that a friendship is stabbing someone in the back,
and then hoping for them to be your friend,
you got some major friendship skills that you lack!


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  • 20 years ago

    by Sarah-rae .w.

    well thnx alot girl!

  • 20 years ago

    by Holly

    well done! i hope who ever made u feel like this got wat they deserve!
    all the best for the future - Holly