Used to be...

by Kristin   Feb 8, 2005

I used to be a stuck up prep
I had my whole life set
I was going to graduate high school
I even had a little sports car that was so cool...
Somehow my life got off track
And I became your punchin sack
I had to put that little car up for sale
To bail your as$ out of jail
i admit i made the sacrifce
all so you could have the better life
It didnt happen all at one time
but gruadually you did unwined
I couldnt cope with what was going on
I tried to pretend i was strong
So i found a different way to numb the pain
I found a whole new way to be *sane*
I went so numb
Never realized i was being so dumb
you even pulled me down on the floor
even after i begged for no more
i didnt want you to you made me
9 months later i had your baby
now your saying shes not yours
but black eyes and the sores..
i admit i love you and i still do
i just cant beleave all the pain you put me through


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  • 20 years ago

    by Tanya, Mom of one.

    No guy is worth all of that. Brook put me in the hospital once, and I went back too. be careful...they never change!!! 5.0