Stop...Pause...Take a minute

by elizabeth   Feb 8, 2005

take a minute,
look around,
notice things you never did before.
notice the people around you.

find a mirror,
look into it,
realize how beautiful you are,
find that sparkle that is in your eyes.

DON'T hurt yourself,
stop the habit,
what did you ever do wrong?

she didn't do it to hurt us,
she did it because she wasn't happy.

please stop,
i can't lose my best friend.
you never did anything wrong.
i hate seeing the scars
i hate seeing your attempt to cover them up.

please stop,
you are my best friend,
and that's the only reason i feel ok telling you,
you are scaring me,
and i really don't want to lose you.

you did nothing wrong.


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  • 20 years ago

    by amanda

    good wording