
by Red Charm   Feb 8, 2005

I hate you but my heart loves you.
Every time I see you
Another piece dies.
Its so hard to disguise
When I still have ties.
At first it was hard to love you
because I was scared
I couldn't dare it
I wouldn't share this
Now look where I am
I'm stuck on you
After all we went through
Secretly wishing and dreaming
Why couldn't it work out?
Why did you always shout?
Then come and apologize
But that was a long time ago
When you were mine
Now everyone hates me
I get the blame
All because your obsession
I bear the shame
Now I live in constant depression
Being happy is foreign
So now as my tears pour
As my blood flows
Why did it always come to blows?
I feel like I can't live anymore
I'm so alone
Since you walked out the door
I'm so confused
Too much emotion
All at one time


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Latest Comments

  • 19 years ago

    by Lithium

    i like, it shows alot of emotion i feel like i know wut ur going through xox sam *keep your head up*

  • 19 years ago

    by TheGayPimp

    i was just messin with u k

  • 19 years ago

    by xxangelchicxx2000

    luv it. very angrey but very good..

  • 20 years ago

    by TheGayPimp

    dame gurl this deep all that anger i never knew u had