No name

by becca   Feb 8, 2005

As I sit in the dark crying these tears,
I reach for the blade to cut away my fears,

You laugh at me and say I'm insane,
I laugh at you because to you life's a game,

To me pain is a way of life,
to get through my days I choose the knife,

So I sit in my room looking at the marks,
The many marks I have from crying in the dark,

I'm sick of living this life full of lies,
And every time I take the blade to my skin a little more of me dies,

I turn on and blast my radio so no one can hear me scream,
I wish this life was nothing but a dream,

No one cares about me no one understands,
They don't know what to say with blood running down my hands,

~I beg you to choose another way to get through your days...And another way to get through life cuz I make a mistake every time I choose the knife~

~to add something... I am this persons friend she wrote this I just typed it.......she is a good person don't judge us (i cut too) because we don't know how to deal....~


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  • 20 years ago

    by jessica

    Hey chiki, i used to cut, its hard, you want to stop but you can't seem to find a way out. well anyways , i pray that you and your friend get through all of this alright. take care