Dear Mum,

by Phoenixgoddess   Feb 8, 2005

Dear Mum,

I know this may seem painful,
But it's nothing compared to what you put me through,
You ignored me without a notice that i was your child,
You told me lies instead of the truth.

You treated me like a maid,
You treated me like shit,
You thought I wouldn't care,
But you never knew me one bit.

You told your kids you wanted them to be famous,
But when i told you I didn't want that,
I became your enemy,
On me you turned your back.

You yelled at daddy because he wasn't making enough money,
You yelled at him because you accused him of cheating.
You cut up his clothes,said your nasty words,
And you even gave him a bad beating.

I told you I was tired of being your slave,
But then you took away every freedom I had,
You only fed me when you felt like it,
You treated me critically bad.

The times I was sick,you still ignored me,
It took a while for me to get better,
You took care of your other kids,
You never thought of me,child and mother together.

I started to cut myself,instead of slitting my wrists,
But the pain kept on coming without an end,
I tried to start a new life,
But the pain only extended.

You told me I was nothing,
And that you gave me life and you could take it away,
What made you think that would happen?
What made you think I wanted pain another day?

You took everything away from me,
Until I couldn't take it anymore,
My pain builded up inside,
My tears poured to the floor.

I heard my tears as they hit the ground,
And I know there was nothing left for me to keep every breath,
I'm sorry for the people who wanted me to hold on,
I'm sorry I decided so soon to take death.

So goodbye mum, thanks for ruining me completely,
I hope you go to hell for what you did to me,
But do I have to hope when I know your going?
Your just as worthless as you made me and in being worthless,you succeed.


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  • 20 years ago

    by Sinister Soire

    please, sorry that i have not been keeping up on my reading. please dont end it. its not worth it, dont let oneperson ruin it all for you. keep writing, let other people know how you are.