by Lovemylove Feb 9, 2005
category :
Sadness, depression /
He came to her every night in her dreams, though she didn't know why.Until one cold night she began to dream of him as she usually did, and he always offered her something though she didn't know what.Finally when it came time for him to offer her something she saw what he offered her now, it was but a single red rose drenched in blood. "Why do you offer me this?" She asks and he only says "This is your fate, the blood that stains the rose is your blood." And with that she awoke, she wished he had never offered her the blood stained rose.For she knew what he had meant when he said "This is your fate, the blood that stains the rose is your blood." It meant she was to die by her own hand then she passed out, and the dream came once again. |