Suicide note

by xbrokenxsmilex   Feb 9, 2005

I'm trapped in a rage of
depression and anger,
never did i think that i would
resort to such conclusions that i have come to say my suicide note..

fellow friends and family I'm sorry
to say, my life has horrible, and my nights have been bad..I've had horrible dreams that i wish i didn't have..but since I'm dreaming or is this real? i take the blade to my wrist to see if i feel..

i dint feel any pain but i see the blood dripping, now i feel the sting of the cut and my heart keeps skipping..

as i pray for the day that i cut
deep enough to end my life, ill
keep cutting with my razor blade
and knife..

as i put my arm on the table,
and the blade in my hand, i slide
it across my wrist and I'm in my
happy land..the cut is too small
to small to be satisfied, so i take
the knife and i cut one last time..

as i lay down in my bed, my heart
slowly stops, I'm going to say good-
bye now and drift off..

my suicide has been done has been done and my mind has laid
to rest i think that me and my blade had did the best..

this was the only option for me
as nobody seemed to care, this
was the only way out, at least that
was near..

i could've hung myself, i was thinking of that, i could've shot
myself or beat my self with a bat..

but i chose to cut because to cut is
to die, and to die is to live, i am
forever the living dead and i will
never officially say good-bye..
even though.. i committed my suicide..

*comment..and rate please


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  • 19 years ago

    by Unloved ♥

    another awesome poem..loved ur stuff...I'll keep crying til the day I die

    Unloved ♥

    If you loved me you'd put a gun to my head and pull the trigger and smear my blood on your lips, the last kiss after I died, I love you and forever I will, but I have to say goodbye for now

  • 20 years ago

    by Leya

    hey there , thats really good, i can really relate..take car xx

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